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How Personalisation Can Enhance Your Complaint Handling

Personalisation is one of the hottest trends in customer experience and complaints management right now. And with good reason! Customers have always valued the personal touch, and organisations now have the technology to create individualised experiences at a large scale.

But what benefits does personalisation bring?

Well, research from Miuros, based on 100,000 email interactions, shines a light on the various ways that personalisation can elevate a complaints strategy to new heights. So let's take a look at their findings.

Personalisation has a marked influence on First Contact Resolution

When giving written responses to customer complaints, complaint handlers can choose from a series of templates (the bigger the library, the better!) and modify these to suit a customer's particular situation.

Miuros' research found that modifying templates didn't make much difference to CSAT, but that it did have a marked influence on the extent of First Contact Resolution.

In fact, they discovered that modified templates resolved 6% more queries at the first attempt compared to unmodified responses.

And compared to using no template at all - that is, a completely unpersonalised complaints strategy - the results are even more dramatic: First Contact Resolution is up to 13% higher when adopting an individualised approach.

Lesson learned: getting your agents to spend a few minutes altering a template can make a huge difference to complaint outcomes, and can save your organisation large amounts of time and resources!

Although personalised responses take longer to craft, they are more efficient in the long term

Sure, it takes time to tailor a response to a customer's specific needs. But this investment will pay itself back.

Miuros discovered that modifying templates meant sending out responses 25% slower compared to an undifferentiated response.

However, making the effort to individualise the experience is certainly worth it, because handling times were - on average - 36% lower when agents used a template.

Lesson learned: more haste, less speed! As with many aspects of CX, you have to take the long view, and realise that investing time and effort early on can save you both at a later stage!

Entering the UK Complaint Handling Awards is the perfect way to get recognition for your personalisation strategy

CHA has several categories that celebrate outstanding personalised complaints strategies. Here are a few that might interest you: Proactive Complaint Handling Transforming Customer Relations Best Case Management System

Until October 22, you can enter these categories - and many more - with an early bird discount. You'll have the chance to win, of course, but sharing your story at the Awards also honours your team's achievements, allows you to learn about the wider complaints space, and puts you in contact with the country's top complaints professionals!

Click here to enter!


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